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May it be an UP day! k

Monday, March 3, 2014

- Images of stages of a commissioned portrait & Another FIRST for An Original Hitt- First Monthly Newsletter

Portrait Painting: Emphasis on Children From Photographs:
that is the theme and title of an upcoming one day workshop. Little ones are not known for sitting still, and sometimes your only option for painting them is from photographs.  And usually multiple ones at that.  The key is learning to discern what to keep and what to edit, and to still paint in a manor that you add life to the reference, moving it beyond the photographs... 
I am just about done with my 5th commission portrait of almost too adorable to believe lit'l ones.  This is a big sister with her little brother.  I think I like calling this one Baby's Breaths.  I am going to let the pictures do the talking for me.  Feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments.   Another great foundational place to begin learning to do your own portraits is DRAWING and learning to SEE Like an Artist.  That is the theme of a two day workshop coming up Monday at the beautiful Boca Grande Art Aliance, right on Banyan Street.  See calendar below for more on that.  Click on any of these images to enlarge them.  Look forward to seeing you soon... Out and About.
"Baby's Breath's" In the works... by K Hitt Oil copyrighted
  An Original Hitt March  Calendar :
·       5 March: Still Life & Wine at the *VAC: It’s a bring your own,  for a casual night of learning  to paint the still life in your medium of choice.  A lot of fun, last time the gals brought munchies to share too.  I will supply the still life’s and instruction, if you wish to partake of any of them,  you bring your own for that.
·       6&13 March: Small Group at the Studio for  Start To Finish This is a very small group, with a very limited availability.  Maximum of 5 students’ total. The class is set up in a 3 week format, meeting on Thurs. from 1-5pm.  This Thursday the 6th, there is actually an opening for two students.  One student registered is back in Italy, and another is out of town too.  So am trying to fill their spot for them.  There is also space for one student on the 13th.  Contact me for details and/or to reserve asap.  
·       10 & 11 March: FUNdamentals of Drawing- SEEING Like An Artist-2 day workshop at the *BGA A. Drawing is the essential foundation to every good work of art.  The first step to understanding this is learning to see like an artist.   A strong emphasis will be on basic skills, helping you to advance to sound draftsmanship and the ability to “SEE” with an artist’s eye. More at: http://www.bocagrandeartalliance.org/drawing/product/136-fundamentals-of-drawing-seeing-like-artist
·       12 March: Portrait Painting- Emphasis on Children From Photographs at the *VAC- one day workshop.

·       12-26 March : FUNdamentals of Drawing II- Advancing The Foundation – at the *VAC 3 weeks, Weds 6-9pm  

·       15 March - 2nd: Annual “Artist Acres” Plein Air Paint Out in Englewood FL

 19 March : Featured Guest Artist at the Venice Yacht Club
                             for their annual FINE ART EXHIBIT reception 6-9 pm 

·       20 & 21 March: 2 Day workshop-Start To Finish*VAC   

·       27&28 March: FUNdamentals of Painting- 2 day workshop at the *B G A A- Acrylics or Oils: This course provides beginning level instruction in acrylic or oils helping you build a strong foundation in the medium of your choice.  More info at: http://www.bocagrandeartalliance.org/oil-painting/product/124-fundamentals-painting

29 March: 1st Annual Plein Air Event in Jupiter, FL:

For more information on any of these events or times please see subheadings at the top, if you have a question of a specific subject: i.e., workshops/classes/instruction
*VAC is Venice Art Center- 941.485.7136 -- 390 Nokomis Ave S. enice, FL 34295
*BGAA is Boca Grande Art Alliance- 941.964.1700 – 236 Banyan St. Boca Grande, FL 33921
For more information on any of the material covered here, please feel free to contact me. 

ps. Calling ALL  Plein Air Painters 1st and 3rd Saturday, we have been  welcomed to the Venice Farmers Market to paint,  including this  third Saturday 22 March 2014.  Market runs 9-1pm.  Lots of historic downtown Venice Views.
 I will be at a wedding shower so happy painting for me.


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