
Welcome to my "meet the artist" blog; designed to couple with website AnOriginalHitt Latest In The News: Plein Air Magazine Outdoor Painter Featured Artwork You may become 'a follower' for updates. Questions? orighitt@gmail.com
May it be an UP day! k

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Out And About- This last Third Thursday Stroll... was out front of Cafe Venice For the Venice Art Center... so here is the latest work: "Night Lights Cafe Venice" Plein Air Oil-

Just finished up this as Kay's Birthday Gift from all of her friends... for a very special birthday she celebrated (During the hot months) ...hence, now- weather has become perfect again for PLEIN AIR... hope to see you there-

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Indian Summer Sunset" is from the end of the dock at Alpine Groves Park... overlooking the St. Johns River. It was an absolutely amazing sky... True Alizarian Crimson flashed through it. The week at Painting The Region 2009 was long and ENJOYED. Did 5 paintings while there. This was the last completed. Sold the 1st and last done too! So that added to the trip being beneficial. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL area that had never been to before.... This event made it possible. Every one worked very hard to keep all of us artist comfortable, and inspired. THEY SUCCEEDED!!!!! Tenfold. Been home a week now... feverishly catching up on commission paintings....

Sunday, October 4, 2009

See... LINKS to the "Painting The Region- Bartram Trail"

Northern Saint Johns County Florida ...

Cuz- Bags are packed- getting ready to go to paint along the beautiful Saint Johns River in this 5 day Plein Air Event. For more info once again.... here are the links. Hope to see you there. http://www.paintingtheregion.com/g_hitt.html



Painting above: "Where The Eagles Fly" Plein Air Oil - By K. Hitt -Copyright and All rights reserved by the artist