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May it be an UP day! k

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sharing the GIFTS given...Gift one of Four and much more

Six shipments of panel backings arrive...!!!
As prepare to complete first commission painting in my OWN studio in over 6 months, it feels good.  It also feels good to receive the foundation of my next year of painting on my doorstep.  The base for the panels making up predominately for the "At That Moment..." Exhibit.  The backing for 40 panels in this shipment.  Included in that the backing for some custom sized commission work too.
Before beginning the painting process anew in the studio, after experiencing the greatest learning experience and journey in my life... thought it might be wise to spend a little time reviewing.
There is a LOT to review, to say the least! Where to begin in itself when covering the 21k+ miles, sometimes not so easy to put ones finger on.

SO, I have opted to begin with the question: "What were the greatest GIFTS given on the journey, and how am I to continue to apply them in a worthy manor?" Over the coming entries here, will go over each gift in greater detail, as also share the current paintings am working on, and workshops and classes available. 
Gift 1. 
Plein Air Convention & Expo!
Besides the draw of all the top artist and demos on hand of the convention, what prompted me to take the leap was two additional things.  Boot Camp II Presented by Eric Rhodes before the convention; and the Expo.  The DVD of what we were blessed to experience (IF we got to our chairs by 6:15 am
Boot Camp II at Convention

every morning of the Convention) is now available.  You just so happen to have the chance to win an ipad if you fill out Eric's survey there too.  The link to it above.  The Boot Camp, played a huge roll in why felt the journey of the Plein Air Convention & Expo was important for me to take in this season of my Artist life.  Eric, quite frankly ( don't mean to ad snow here) is a MASTER at showing artist how to shine!  He is also a master at giving us opportunity to grow.  Meeting this man and his family must say, was a huge gift for this artist!
the first 3k+ miles on my Tahoe
I still remember how embarrassed i was standing in-front of the Marriott in my slippers repacking my absolutely PACKED Tahoe that was covered with road grime! Alas, I digress... lets just say, it all turned into a GIFT and blessing... and continues to do so.
Eric's Tripod, and Artist demo's at Expo
Because of that, I simply want to share the GIFTS with others too.  The new DVD Boot Camp II is my date this weekend (it just arrived. All in fun, but a great work date). I did watch a lot of it LIVE at the convention. The pages of notes from the convention, literally fill a book... ALSO the experts that Eric shares with us in all the different fields... frankly is priceless.
I hope to be applying these gifts of knowledge over the next year of this Artist life and all the endeavors before me.  I had NO IDEA how much my road trip was going to open up.  Telling the story has only just begun, along with the images to come.
Along with the Boot Camp in the morning before the convention began... in the hall before you entered the convention was the Expo.  It too is priceless!  Why, because you get to see, and touch, and discuss with Artist and Professionals Multiple Materials of our trade.  As much as we learned, we also had silly FUN and even WON stuff!

FUN and even WON stuff! Morgan Samuel Price with Eric Rhoads
I won Ray Mar Linen Panels! I also purchased more while there, and some new wet panel carriers for multiple sizes also made by RayMar.  The vender list is LONG and don't want to leave anyone out.  I found my beloved STRADA easel while here and met its creator and fabulous artist Bryan Mark Taylor. Refurbished my supply of beloved Rosemary & Co. brushes, my favorite Long Mongoose Flats... and picked up more Gamsol. Also picked up supplies from Judson's who supplied me with my very first Plein Air Painting gear, of which parts of it I still rely.  Like the Turp carrier, guerrilla view finder etc.  MORE on all of these in another post. Framers, met Randy Higbee who does so much both framing and promoting Fine Artist too. Can not fit all into one.  The EXPO is a part of the GIFT of the PACE and can not encourage you enough to attend.  This year Eric is adding Watercolor and Pastels too.  Something for everyone.  I have to say, I am not one that usually heads to a crowd, I usually run the other way.  THIS is one crowd you want to run, fly, drive to though as an Artist, if you at all can! VIDEO FROM PACE2

Jeremy Lipking demo PACE2
 if you don't learn something watching these Artist paint... you are not trying!
Jeremy Lipking demo PACE2


 Timothy Tien, Zhaoming Wu

Scott Christensen en plein air at PACEII
Kathleen Dunphy and Don Demers

Alexey Steele PACE2 & Asilomar

my view as attempted my first Plein Air in California at Asilomar  Painting along side Kathleen Dunphy who just met there, and Don Demers who know from getting to paint with him in Florida... while off in the distance is Alexey Steele and Scott Christensen.  This/these HARDLY touching on all experienced... this just one WINDY afternoon while there.

 The NEW and OLD connects.  Ned who originally met when lived in Washington state and the New of many, Shelby Keefe,  along with Richard Robinson who traveled i think the furthest! All the way from New Zealand!

Shelby Keefe and Karen Hitt PACE2
Ned Muller and K Hitt PACE2

one of my favorite presentations while there, i signed up for a beginner session, though not a beginner, I was here to learn all possible, and EVERYTHING that i did while here, learned something new...  I believe Lori Putnam showing how to apply the Notan of an image in the compositional stage is the most used of all learned while there. Things myself have taught, and seeing her application just spoke volumes...

Lori Putnam presentation with Notan & Comp. at PACE2
adding to this.... WAY WAY WAY way down the road, about 7K+ later... when I found myself staying at Leipers Fork TN, Lori was kind enough to share where some of her favorite painting areas were.
Another two Highlight for me was when Don Demers and Eric presented John Stobart with a life time achievement award. Mr Stobart has more wonderful tales to tell than fit into one lifetime award.  He was plein air before it was ever called plein air.  I cried tears of laughter when he shared how a cow, licked his painting clean when he got up for water.
Another Lifetime Achievement Award to Mian Situ Presented by B. Eric Rhoads and Elaine Adams of American Legacy Fine Arts and the Special Presentation by Mian Situ 

 ALL that was able to do on this journey a GIFT.  This just Gift ONE....  The Plein Air Convention.

Closing PACE2 with Steve Doherty & Eric Rhoades

Gift 2. Publisher Invitational in the Adirondacks and my Palette Garage that i won.  Its hard to say what was the favorite part of the Grace Love Fellowship Tour; must say that the Publishers Invitational was a TOP HIGHLIGHT.  More details on all experienced here will be the NEXT entry, plus more on my actual palette as paint, and the warm and the cool of that... along with details of the extraordinary GIFT that Paint Camp in the Adirondacks is.  Registration is NOW open ... there are a FEW places left open... another event that can not recommend enough.  More on this and palette at my next post....

Gift 3. Exhibits across the USA  was blessed to see exhibits from WA, CA to VT,  MA, NY, just to name a few, Fetchin, Zorn, Sargent, Rembrandt, Wyeth's, Rockwell, Homer, Hudson River School.... again just to share a few... Greatest ART lessons an artists could hope for is available to us in this wonderful land we live in.  Your homework assignment ALWAYS is to visit the museums or exhibits in your area and view the paintings LIVE.  Reproductions never pay them true justice.  Though I took HUNDREDS of photographs at the exhibits... right down to the brush strokes... the forever forged memory they are on my mind... priceless information....  a post in its self, and also a presentation series to come down the road too. 
Gift 4. The Landmarks & Parks across the USA  ...its official, IF i could run away to ZION i am there!!!!!  NOT enough time there on this 21k+ journey, and so hope to return there sooner than later to spend more time painting the virgin river and all around her.  I purchased a national Parks Pass while out on the road... and plan to continue using one for many years to come.  I visited everywhere from the Sequoia's Pacific Coast Hwy and Big Sir, Canyon lands of the west, Grand Canyons, Bryce, Black Canyon, Gorges.... all thru the west felt like I was in a John Wayne Movie, then on thru the Rockies, and San Juans, stretching all the way to the Acadia in Maine on down to the Smokey's too... and many a stop along the way.  Literally drove 15k+ miles across this great land in my trusty 4 room Tahoe...  I will give some of my learned along the way survival tips as a single 50ish something women traveling solo across the usa and camping and bartering along with B&B's all along the way.  OH the tales of people and places to tell.

Simply know that Exceedingly MORE than I could imagine met me all along the way!

so more on all of these in the upcoming post, from the Grace Love Fellowship Tour as it continues, now that am back off the road.  Still working, and picking bits and pieces of the pioneer sides of the tale to tell... that all culminates to the "At That Moment..." Exhibit.
In a way to share the tale, plan to share at minimum two new paintings a month up to the Exhibit.  Hope that you will enjoy the journey as much as i did, and the sharing of these GIFTS along the way! You may also request to be my friend at FB and see more day to day too.... once again, thanks for being a part.

And last but not least... if you wish to start the season with me here in Venice FL, have a workshop at the end of the week that starts at the Foundation of every good work of art: DRAWING... there are still a couple spots open so would love to see you there too...
more on all of my workshops and upcoming classes click here

Asilomar Wind And Surf Sketch - K Hitt


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Is it possible to achieve as a professional artist, while not competing?

Is it possible to achieve as a Professional Artist, while not competing? "Airing The Laundry" for the good clean all of it, for a season.
Airing The Laundry - Plein Air Oil - K. Hitt
What is different after 21K+ miles, 15K+ images, viewing over 500 Master Original Works of Art in our countries Best Museums and Exhibits Coast to Coast, Artist like Zorn, Sargent, Sorrolla, Fetchin, Rembrandt, to literally only name a few, painting en plein air across all of these miles in every type of condition… and the influences from the workshops and demos attended by some of today’s leading representational artist of our time…. What is different after these 21k+ miles? …a LOT!  To say it has all made a profound impact on my painting going forward is an understatement.  To say the 21K+ miles covered a lot…yes that is literally true, and it is still doing so as I take the plein air field studies into the studio, along with some of the people and characters that played a roll along the way too, onto the canvas.  In many ways the work has just begun as prepare for what’s next: the Exhibit: “At That Moment…”! And the other part of the work ahead is yes, to share the ‘story’ of all experienced…
K.Hitt at N. Rim of the Grand Canyon on the GLF tour

It all obviously is not going to fit into one blog post… and as work today continues too, this is where I am beginning the incorporating of these two in a manor to share with you as best that I can.  Combining the Pioneer Experiences of a single women, 50ish years young  Not competing… by one of my students becoming a  patron with the idea to help take my single parent artist life pressure off, so that is exactly what it did.  It helped me grow, and paint, and build inventory… The “Grace Love Fellowship” Tour, all culminating to a lot of “At That Moment(s)…” The Exhibit, which they are graciously sponsoring.  Is the sharing of this detail a sharing of too much? Can I be taken serious in the art world today in the manor am pursuing?  It was funny, when we visited the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum together to view the Zorn exhibit, I shared with them that they were my Isabella.  I do believe a picture paints a thousand words, and that picture resounded with them.  Is it possible to achieve as a professional artist, while not competing? Well – that is left to be decided… can only do so much. Simply doing the best that I can all along the way.  I took their gift as far as I knew how to do, and am still doing so.  Working hard, and so thankful for the opportunity to do so.  AND it’s good to know the work done and am still doing is reaching across the country still. I am very honored “Gabriel’s’ Farm” debuts at the
Gabriel's Farm- K. Hitt- Plein Air debuts at the Howard Mandville Gallery Small Works Exhibit
HowardMandville Gallery in Kirkland Washington as a part of the 23rdannual Invitational Small Works Show. Preview begins Oct. 11th on line and in the gallery. This painting painted at the Publisher Invitational hosted by Eric Rhoads, as I brought it home with me to Venice, after several offers to purchase it on the road, kept it for the reference it was painted for in the studio, and yes to learn from.  It now has traveled to Washington State and is available there.  I look forward to seeing where it will journey to next. A fun poetic justice for the first shipped; for I still remember fondly my going away party they gave me when I moved to Florida from their gallery back in 1995.  I loved chocolate way back then too, and they even had a basket made out of chocolate for me!   A series of paintings from Washington will be a part of my exhibit, including a studio of this first painting from the GLF tour shipped out last to be a part of the 23rd annual Small Works Show at the Howard Mandville Gallery in Kirkland Washington.  Along with this Adirondacks Paint Camp painting debuting in Washington State, there are two more from the GLF tour debuting here in Venice at the Venice Art Centers Fall Members Exhibit, also on Oct. 11; the reception is 5-7pm. One from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, and One from the Adirondacks Publishers Invitational.
Full Moon Room May- K. Hitt- Plein Air Oil at VAC

High Falls - K. Hitt - Plein Air Oil at VAC

As was given a once in a lifetime opportunity, I pondered how to 'put this to work' the best. Determined for myself that traveling to plein air exhibits and paint out competitions would not afford me the time to paint for an exhibit which was also a main purpose behind the gift.  So the route that I took? As before mentioned 21k+.  Learn/Grow, build inventory, and do so nationally…  little ole Miss Venice -Hitt the road! Not to compete, to learn, grow and build paintings inventory. The two big red dots on the road map that propelled me onto this journey, Eric Rhoads sponsored through Streamline Publishing: Plein Air Convention in Monterrey CA and Publishers Invitational in the Adirondacks.  I met Eric in my slippers (main driving gear) at both, and will again at these same events next year.  I am already signed up again for both.  Exactly how I will journey to them, to be determined, but will definitely be in my slippers again. 

So, for now there is a lot of ground and experiences to cover… 

traveling solo cross country back and forth in five months literally covering west, north, east and south, sea level to 12,000+ feet, camping, B&B’s, bartering paintings too as hiked,
four wheel drove, and simply set out to grow as an artist, build up an inventory, and to do so nationally, painting all the way.

Today will share Some of the literal changes, Pallet, Ponchade box, to name two and while doing so share a couple of the paintings with you too.  Also my first workshop here back in Florida is another perfect place to begin 

“FUNdamentals of Drawing- Seeing Like An Artist” mini session two day workshop
click on any image to enlarge
back at where all of this began- the Venice Art Center for more on drawing examples, here is a  step by step drawing previous post. 

 I have to be honest, where to begin with the sharing has been a bigger challenge than realized it would be.  There are hundreds of tales to tell from the Grace Love Fellowship Tour. Frankly, I was made aware by others that i pioneered my way further than the Appalachian trail, across the continental divide, basically hitting every mountain chain of this land, and… did it on my own with my trusty stead… that I fondly started calling my 4 room Tahoe.  Hadn’t camped sense my children were in girl scouts and boy scouts, and um, well… now that my youngest turned 22-  momma took a road trip. He and 82 year old dad house sat... couldn't have done it without them, 
so each in charge of the other, trusted them with the home front, and i started out, first due west. Finished up my last competition "Paint The Town" in Bradenton, turned my paintings in, and only had four days to get to Monterrey CA from Bradenton FL. Scroll down through previous post to see how that went. Yes- it was grand...   
Beginning from Venice Florida, Then Bradenton Florida, bee-lining to Monterrey CA to attend the Plein Air Convention, that in itself a life changing in my life as an artist event, and that was just the beginning of the big red dots on my USA road map. (Plein Air Convention a Post of its own to come) From there, I bee-lined to the Skagit Valley of Washington State to be in the tulip fields painting when they peaked. The timing turned out perfect.  The fields were a favorite memory from Washington when our family was transferred to Florida from there, this time instead of having three children under the age of five in hand, I head out with Rosemary & Co. Brushes in hand and my new STRADA easel made by Bryan Mark Taylor that picked up at the Expo at the Plein Air Convention.  I had been waiting for the expo, to decide what new supplies to acquire. Learned so much!  After seeing Bryan's demo, paintings, and literally his genius in creating 
K.Hitt STRADA easel set up N. Rim
this 'indestructible' pochade box, it was my first major plein air supply purchase on the journey.  I must say it proved its 'indestructible' all along the way! I took it on a 15K test drive and it survived with flying colors!   Its first demo, the tulip fields in Washington State! Sharing here a few more pictures of places my trusty STRADA easel served me well at:
K.Hitt Moon Room N.Rim

plein air painting set up at High Falls Adirondacks

and my trusty Stead... 4 room Tahoe.  This just a smidgen, next post will share more of the specifics of my Rosemary & Co. Brushes, and my 'Palette Garage', two other tools that are my only way to go... when going en plein air. I will get into the specifics of my palette colors and why with color theory,  More paintings... and places... as try to share with you in the today's the steps and pieces of the story all along the way of the Grace Love Fellowship tour.  We have only just begun... with three paintings debuting this Friday Oct. 11th... from Venice Florida, to Kirkland Washington... still covering the cross country.  First Workshop of the season starts at the foundation of every good work of art, DRAWING, and learning to see like an Artist.  Thank you all for being a part of this Artists journey... An Original Hitt, Hitts the road en plein air to begin all culminating to the "At That Moment" Exhibit. Next stop... Pacific Coast??? check back in to see...


Publisher's Invitational Full Moon


Big Sur Hike, down from the top... more on this story coming down the road...
Publishers Invitational K Hitt