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May it be an UP day! k

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Speaking of GIFTS...  since landing back in Venice... have been keeping busy...
Watched my Art Marketing Boot Camp I & II by Eric Rhoads and Streamline Publishing
21 k + miles solo USA Grace Love Fellowship Tour 4/5/13-9/5/13

 Had help from David Fisher at Longbay Marketing with my Grace Love Fellowship tour Map... he said he felt like he had gone on the trip with me while trying to connect all the dots... and YES we edited many a dots...  Here is the image as the logo.  It hopefully becoming interactive too, so that images of paintings will be a part of it too.  One step at a time.  This the first.  The entire trip through a student, turned patron...  an INDESCRIBABLE GIFT

Now this is not all...  well excited to show you where I landed...  SPEAKING of GIFTS...
An Original Hitt - K Hitt - Fine Art & Atelier - grand opening coming soon!
Now mind you I photo shopped in the proposed DREAM signage...  we will see how this goes.
For now wanted to at least share some pictures with you of what HAVE BEEN up too and what am doing with it all. This studio, through a benefactor to get it started, will tell you more soon.  I also have been working with the Venice Art Center, have the final dates for the "At That Moment..." Exhibit.  There are lots of "At That Moment..." paintings in the studio left to paint, to accompany the Plein Air from the Grace Love Fellowship Tour....  more details to come.  For now sharing some of the fun pics... will tell you all about my Benefactors all along the way, for the tour, the studio space... all of the 'Exceedingly MORE than i can imagine..." that keeps blessing.  Its more of an unbelievable tale...  so stay tuned.  PROMISE to keep you posted.  Very excited, in addition to having a space to work for the exhibit at... will also have a space to hold workshops and classes in addition to my offerings at VAC BGAA & MAC  As soon as I get all the dates worked out, will post them at my class offering spot.  The studio will have a fun sign posted on it that reads "if not in- Gone Painting"
( Yes it has security too ) Speaking of painting...  I need to get back to commission due. Sharing more real soon... 


Diane Mannion said...

What a fabulous trip, Karen!

An Original Hitt said...

Thanks Diane...yes indeed it was a huge blessing. Blessings from it continue too...