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May it be an UP day! k

Monday, May 22, 2017

PACE17 -ing- 20 Faculty quotes from 10 Faculty and your challenge...

PACE17 Field Painter Balboa Park! heavenly!
#PACE17 –ing challenge:
20 PACE17-ing quotes from 10 Faculty
 Can you match quote to who said it?
Eric and his DAD!

Along with sharing a few of the images from my time there and a peak into the today's too...
Kathleen, Eric, Karen Ann PACE17-ing
(see two links; left) & sunsets in San Diego while PACE17 -ing!!

It was such an honor being a part of the Plein Air Magazine Plein Air Convention & Expo! As a Faculty Field Painter this year in San Diego my focus there was to do my small part of helping others feel comfortable Plein Air Painting.  I sincerely hope that those that sought my assist learned something new as we painted together. 

As an Artist myself, the luxury of PACE is always threefold:
The Artists camaraderie –
The Expo! 

Now, HOME from #PACE17 –ing and more

What Now? How to APPLY?
Personally, 1st, I pulled out my PACE17 Notebook, and studied.

And thought that I would share the notes in a way that you may have some fun and learn perhaps from them to.

Here are quotes.   
Can you match quote to who said it?
One name may match a multiple number of quotes, but each name matches at least one.
Let the continuing challenge begin--

The Ten Names:
a.      Quang Ho
b.      Eric Rhoades
c.      Michael Godfry
d.      Jill Carver
e.      Velko Geurgevich
f.       Jeremy Lipking
g.      James Gurney
h.      Roos Schuring
i.       Jay Abraham
j.       Mary Pettis

The Twenty  quotes:
1.      Comparison is the ‘mother’ of learning
2.      Don’t try to chase everything. Pause at where you stopped, and remember why.
3.      Enraptured with celebrating the way that an artist manifests his way onto a view of life.
4.      Stop apologizing for your paintings
5.      Value, key of the painting. Color key changing is more challenging.
6.      Don’t paint objects, paint the light
7.      Value is not more important than shape; because it has to have a shape to value it.  Shape establishes the value. 
8.      Paint the area that you know you are weak in.
9.      Be sure that your lightest dark is slightly darker than your darkest light; and that your darkest light is slightly lighter than your lightest dark.
10.   It is monotone if it’s all chaotic
11.   Worst thing you can do to a color is change it half way through.  Like a good note held- vs covering it up, that they can’t hold the note.
12.   Don’t shift value in shape and therefore cause you to lose the shape.
13.   Know yourself. Pay attention to what moves you.
14.   Drawing things is not painting... painting is ultimately about paint, like music is about sound.  Paint ideas to use to compose your masterpiece on.  Soft, does not equal vague edge! Trust your passion and just paint it.
15.   … painting, as if driving by it at 80 mph.  That is how I know what edges to keep
16.   You gave birth to a unique creation; you have the right to share it.
17.   Every stroke is a decision
18.   ‘are you just painting the scenery?’ a hunter to the artist
19.   Color, hue and temperature notes changing BUT keep the same values, the big shapes
20.   Color is not important, and it is everything

and just for fun,  here is a little video of what a West Coast Tide Pool Wave looks like at_________! Can you fill in the blank?

 And a few gazillion pictures from PACE17-ing of camaraderie, learning, expo... and um, oh ya, we had ZERO fun. NOT!
Share your answers in the comments below.  All that try, will be entered into a drawing (see more details at the end for the answers and more...)

Quang Ho Pre-Convention Workshop


Michael Godfrey; Light, Design, Values
Jean Stern; Artists of San Diego, 1890-1940

Jill Carver; Deconstructing The Landscape

Velko Geurgevich; From Hyperrealism to Plein Air Painting

Jeremy Lipking; Focused Details, Loose Edges

Roos Schuring; Color and Light - The Holy Grail in Plein Air Painting

Charlie Hunter; from photo to drawing to painting; creating durable armatures for endless creativity.

 Jill Carver and Debra Huse Painting in the EXPO ... learning by example never stops at PACE
Jay Abraham (Abraham Group)  & Eric Rhoads- BOOTcamp
Elaine Adams with renowned California artists Amery Cohling, Karl Dempwolf, Quang Ho, Tim Soliday, and Peter Adams

Alien in Old Town, my plein air focus when assisting at Old Town... post of painting to come

Quang Ho also gave a main stage demo

having more fun than should be legal at one of many gatherings...Emily Dietrich-RayMar,Karen Ann Hitt,Quang Ho,Roger Rossi,Catherine Dietrich-RayMar

ALL the Faculty signed this palette...
An amazingly i won it AGAIN this year!

priceless! and so honored to be a part, the two years that i served as faculty even!

Rosemary & Co. Brushes Extraordinaire, drawing for their brush prize! Eric, Rosemary, Symi and raffle drawing assist


and ALL the amazing Plein Air Magazine PACE17 -ing STAFF

and just a bunch more of the fun... can you pick out who is who?


SOOOOOOOOOOOO long PACE17-ing -until next year and PACE18 -ing in Santa Fe -- YAY

So what have i been up to since being back, and what else was on the agenda on this trip?

here are a few pictures too of the today's and all that have been up to in the to and fro,
Visit with bff from HS, Son and his first time en Plein Air, 2nd Anniversary, Momma's Day, Birthday, notified accepted in to En Plein Air Texas, notified get to go to Jill Carver Workshop... and oh yeah, 
husband left me this morning  too!  
I've been busy.
Gottcha, though its true, add in packing the house on wheels, so we can HITT the road again! I will meet him out west in my 'Trusty Steed' that just received NEW TIRES and a overhall.
Hope you enjoyed this blog update!  I will be back with the NEXT exciting NEWS that came on my Birthday of all days!  Can't wait until it is official and I can share it with you...  
he left me! to hook this up to the house on  wheels...
he is such an awesome guy! Right, is just one of his many assists; he created this wet panel carrier to load into the back of my Tahoe, or the RV, or the Jeep even to carry multiple sizes of wet paintings DUST free, when I put the top on it. 
my painting gear scaled down...

its now loaded, He left me and took all my stuff again!

our 2nd Wedding Anniversary celebrated at the Temp the DAY after returning!

Last Day in CA at Big Bear Lake with my SON AJ, where he Plein Air Painted for the first time, and Mo, he and I all enjoyed an amazing dinner after.


enough said in this picture, YES its always good to be home with hubby and little brother...

and all the crew that i love for my birthday too, even danced with my youngest and had icecream with my 85 year old pops

this from the last time we took our RV over Trail Ridge Highway... don't think it will be our route this year, because of the too close to winter timing... have some studio paintings to wrap up before i get to meet up with my hubby and we HITT the road together!  Hope to see you out there! #FollowAnOriginalHitt
OH, ANSWERS TO THE CHALLENGE? you have two choices, for security, request in comments below, and i can email/ send them to you. OR for more adventures with the answers #followAnOriginalHitt at Instagram, Twitter, or my FB page: Karen Ann Hitt An Original Hitt, you also get entered into a drawing for doing so for $500 credit. More on that to come.  There is actually a third option for the really patient ones, I will be sharing the 'who said that?' in the next post, and hopefully an update on my exciting news too!
In His Light Before The Dawn... my other hat

And finally, but not least a few shares from what i call my other hat and the Today's and one of the ways that i release all of my thinking too much is that I journal -- as I get up often before the sun.  Here are a couple of shares from there,  If you would like to see more, there is a link under the caption to the left here.