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May it be an UP day! k

Friday, August 31, 2012

BLUE Moon...step by step

click on any image to enlarge...
In Honor of the BLUE Moon tonight, am re-posting "Sun Setting On The Blue Moon Rising" my painting of the LAST Blue Moon.  Can't wait to see what tonight's inspire... I also will let the pictures do the talking below of some of the steps along the way to this finished piece... Inspiration to the finished... may it NOT be 

once in a Blue Moon ...

Toned Linen, then Drawing

...laying in the big shapes and values

....values and color

now detail...


Then sometimes...

the most rewarding and hardest part at the same time.... SOLD.  It makes it rewarding to say the least when you get to view how beautifully the painting gets displayed.  So, there you see the steps along the way to one of this artist favorite paintings finding its way.  I know we are not suppose to have favorites as parents... so we will let it go with the saying, once in a Blue Moon ...
and as before mentioned, can't wait wait to see what tonight's blue moon inspires from a different vanish point. Thought would also add a little link on just what a Blue Moon is... enjoy!
Blue Moon
and in honor of Neil Armstrong... if you get to look up to the moon tonight, don't forget to wink...

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