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May it be an UP day! k

Friday, August 31, 2012

BLUE Moon...step by step

click on any image to enlarge...
In Honor of the BLUE Moon tonight, am re-posting "Sun Setting On The Blue Moon Rising" my painting of the LAST Blue Moon.  Can't wait to see what tonight's inspire... I also will let the pictures do the talking below of some of the steps along the way to this finished piece... Inspiration to the finished... may it NOT be 

once in a Blue Moon ...

Toned Linen, then Drawing

...laying in the big shapes and values

....values and color

now detail...


Then sometimes...

the most rewarding and hardest part at the same time.... SOLD.  It makes it rewarding to say the least when you get to view how beautifully the painting gets displayed.  So, there you see the steps along the way to one of this artist favorite paintings finding its way.  I know we are not suppose to have favorites as parents... so we will let it go with the saying, once in a Blue Moon ...
and as before mentioned, can't wait wait to see what tonight's blue moon inspires from a different vanish point. Thought would also add a little link on just what a Blue Moon is... enjoy!
Blue Moon
and in honor of Neil Armstrong... if you get to look up to the moon tonight, don't forget to wink...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Its SUMMER in Paradise...
from Mirmar State Park in MO
and here that tends to mean, NOT outside enjoying plein air, unless you are on an extended ROAD trip...  I am currently working on my Sea Venice Turtle, that hope to turn in on the 29th..., a mural that am behind on... and several other NEED to of had done yesterday projects.  Summer here in Paradise, tends to also be time to CATCH UP on all that though the best intentions, simply are not done.  In the spirit of ROAD trip that my Tahoe is aching to partake of with me...  here are a few landscape paintings from a bit back, that my LAST road trip inspired.  That trip produce a solo exhibit entitled ...The Road Less Traveled.  The pre-requisite for the route, preferably not a huge interstate...  the Trip began, from a coffee table book, that you all might have seen before."Readers Digest- The Most Scenic Drives In America"  I found myself NOT where had hoped to be, when this book presented itself before my eyes.  The original plan was to be painting the wildflowers in the mountains out west.  Duty called me to MO instead.  It ended up being a most wonderful adventure, for I had never explored the central states, and notably the Ozarks, and the working spring mills before.  So I asked to borrow the book, and off i went, the Tahoe a fine 4 room moving studio.  Loved it... hope you enjoy some of the final art from the trip.  Many were completed from field sketches back in the studio.
from along side of a dirt  road


this painting was a part of 'Paint The Parks' exhibit
fine art cards or giclee available

For now back to my BB Paradise... Sea Venice Turtle to help with their fund raiser... and my VERY long to do list.  The sooner all of these are done... the sooner that the next Road Trip may begin. Perhaps on  my NEXT road trip, I will take Bonnie Blu the lit'l rescue studio watch dog with me... we will see. Do think that the next trip just may be to the mountain wildflowers, or maybe the coast of Maine, or all of the North East or or or... Alaska in on the bucket list too...  SO.... much to do and explore.  Ok back to BB Paradise fundraiser for the Venice Art Center; thank you God that its so beautiful here too.  Click on any of these images to enlarge them, and if you have any questions on any of them send me an email

Friday, August 10, 2012

Book Character imerged at home...

A bit of a re-post, with today's updates...

click on ANY image to enlarge it

My 8 month old pup is resembling one of the main characters in a recent children's book that I illustrated "The Big Bad Rain Monster".  It is a sweet tale of a family banning together to help one overcome their fear.  Well my baby has discovered The Big Bad Rain Monster is alive and well in SW FL.

Personalized Hardcover Copy available

Personalized Hardcover

Bonnie Blu, will not leave my side as the Thunder storm rolls through... just like Lady in  The Big Bad Rain Monster.  Jeralyn and I were excited to hear that we were awarded a 5 star review out of 5 stars too, a Clarion Gold Seal.  For more on that honor you may read the review 

You may enjoy seeing the references for these illustrations, and below a bit of re-post on the start to finish aspect of taking ideas to a finish piece of work.  Here are the authors Jeralyn's two that you will see characters of in the book... 

this the setting and cover inspiration too

And as I often share in the classroom we are blessed to be able to learn from the masters... one of my favorite Illustrators, NC Wyeth influenced my illustrations with one of my all time favorite illustrations, The Giant, where NC used his own family and children as the models. Below is a bit of my re-post sharing the start to finish, of idea to thumbnail, to layout, to painting, to finish.  You may also order your personalized hardcover of this book directly from me too, a paypal button is below.

START...To Finish...

Thumbnail Cover Design

To Scale Layout Sketch
Start to Finish?  "Where do I begin, start?" Is often a question heard from students.  Or...... as we really WORK IT the details and composition.... sometimes the why we 'started' the painting gets blanketed over with overworking.

Start   To   Finish.  Easier said than done.  That is why its a class have been teaching for years... with the idea of truly taking inspiration from its start, to a finished work of art. Where do we Start.... a scene, a theme, a child's precious smile... a heirloom keepsake, a illustration... WHAT are you hoping to 'say'.

This an example of an 'illustration' literally.  A Big Bad Rain Monster?  What does that look like.... for a children's picture book.  I remember being told when illustrating... the words should connect a word picture in 5 seconds.

Add caption
Do you need that same impact with your drawing or painting?
What inspired you to make that sketch?  What inspired that sketch into a painting? Sometimes it truly is just the desire to 'render'... to perfect a fabrics drape, a hips angle, a eyes twinkle, a hands embrace....

Sometimes the start is simply a color theory exercise, or the particular hours effects of light on a beloved subject.  Even a sketch in your sketch book, will reflect 'good draftsmanship'

  A doodle, a sketch, a painting? All of these can be worked together for your finished work of art too.

You may enjoy seeing what the first thumbnail here turned into...This image from when just received the proof  in the mail.  

  For a personalize hardcover copy of this book directly from me to you it is available with the secure link below to Pay Pal.  Add in your special instructions at Pay Pal how you would like it signed, and yes please be sure to include your shipping information too.  The book in Paperback version is also available at Amazon  and many other avenues.  You can only purchase the Hardcover from myself or Jeralyn the author.  It will take possibly 2 weeks for delivery of the hardback, each copy is ordered special for you. The price is 25 dollars plus 5 dollars for shipping and handling if ordering directly from me...If you have any questions, please feel free to email too. Link is to the left.   

Personalized Hardcover