The painting was all done except for the bee, that well... isn't all that easy to come by. The fact that this one came to me by way of the bee keeper that also supplied the honey was so more appropriate than they knew. This bee stung him in the ankle the morning he brought it to me and died. What does this have to do with Art and Painting? What we do with our gifts and talents the point, no pun intended.
My Last Post Titled "What New Florida Plein Air Collectors Look Like" In it introduced you to Gary and Suzanne, and also the plein air activities in the area, to show you two ways of collecting. As a Patron or a Painter, plus how to grow your artist career in both of these with the help of teaching tools made available. All linked at that post. Just a few days after that post, called Gary to share some good news with him. Suzanne answered his phone, not uncommon for a husband and wife at all. So shared with her the good news that Jane Chapin (artist added to their new collection) visited my studio and brought a gift for them; a personalized copy of her book "Land Of The Free"and I had it for them at the studio.
Suzanne shared 'how wonderful, thank you, the timing is perfect' She going on to share Gary had a bit of a set back, and this was a perfect time for him to have Jane's book to look at. Gary, through no fault of any, while undergoing an emergency risky procedure a blood vessel bled, long story short... Gary, who just a few days ago helped me carry artwork and hang it in their new home, is paralyzed on his left side. Their life changed dramatically. And after Suzanne visited me the next day to pick up her book, I included a gift of my own with it. Wish had the original, would have given it to them, had a fine art canvas giclee of a painting, that was the first painting painted after a year of NOT painting. Frankly a heartbreaking year, and painting just touched the heart a little more than could be bared at the time. Only by invitation was I brought to painting again to participate in a national small works show. I was so honored to be asked, simply had to paint. Had no idea, what it would be, simply knew had to. Do believe that was exactly why the gallery owners asked me to participate too. Friends, knew I needed to get back to painting. I did. The name of the painting painted;
"When Darkness Comes... Look To The Light" Sold the night of their opening.
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When Darkness Comes... Look To The Light by K Hitt Copyrighted |
Right after doing that received another phone call, bee delivery was on order after all! On all days, Labor Day. Reminding me tenfold of exactly what it is we labor for. I don't know if our art imitates life, or life imitates our art... perhaps you do. I do know our Art does matter. Why we do what we do... always the question at hand in a manor that we check our fruits, so to speak. Out and out tragedies in this life happen, as do the mountain top experiences. They all matter and play a role in

Why was this little bee so significant? It resting on the burlap, under the 'Airing The Laundry ' Plein Air Oil on my 'fresh of the easel wall' at the studio, juxtaposition with the Honey, represents the two choices we always have to make in this life, as an artist, and as a person. Live imitating Art, or Art imitating life? Life imitating a bee's life. For you see, when a bee stings, it hurts a LOT!
The pain resides though.

A bee's life has two choices,
use its God given gifts to either:
pollinate and make honey
or sting and die
Those little seemingly insignificant details in the choices of all served in a day, in reality could rise up and make significant life changing details in an others.
The name of the still life that was inspired to paint:
"Artist Studio Life, With Lemon & Blues Choices"
This Artist hopes to always add Honey when the option is given. A new friend echoed with this as we talked, “Little people continue with petty things. Don’t let them get you down. Be big, be bold, be courageous, and be loving. God put you here to do great things. Listen to His call. And be loving toward them as well”
Yup-- ADD HONEY whenever the option presents itself! Is that our Art imitating Life, or Life imitating Art--
God only knows that answer perhaps.
Here are some of the steps along the way of completing this

Anyways back to these details, next,
once the elements were aligned, did a thumbnail composition check .
This Thumbnail, literally that, in scale, and almost abstract in composition. If you look closely though, all of the key elements are there. Once had this set up, took out a favorite, Mini Strada Plein Air Easel and set it up too in my studio, in position to go with the thumbnail.

To hear that you are the honey added to the eyes of two that were dealt
a real lemon that was trying to make them sing the blues… leaves you with water
in your eyes, and speechless.
Also something that aligns with every circumstance currently going on in life; it is all a matter
of perspective.
Yes, “When Darkness Comes… Look To The Light” Add Honey, and don't waste your life using your stinger. Its fruitless.
and may it be an UP day! K
also known as Karen Ann, An Original Hitt. Another example of when you are born with a name like Hitt, you quickly learn how to keep things in a positive light!