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May it be an UP day! k

Monday, August 11, 2014

What NEW FL Plein Air Collectors look like! How to be a part as either Collector or Painter

Meet Gary & Suzanne. 
NEW Florida Plein Air Collectors.
Not their plan, just a thought, awhile back as they were having their home built, started becoming the  'next project' on the 'to do' list, at their new home. Thinking they wanted art for the walls by local artist of Florida.  Not really knowing completely what plein air was.  This couple came into the studio to see my plein air paintings, via seeing another of my plein air paintings at the local artist co-op gallery Melange.  They loved the painting in-front of them, but wanted to see more of my work before they decided on an original.  Wonderfully the Melange gallery gave them my number and Art Studio location, plus it was in the Living On the Suncoast *article posted next to my painting.

What NEW FL Plein Air collectors look like are this wonderful couple.  They had an idea. Design dilemma, and a 'to do list'.  Gary shared that we would like to have paintings by local artists of Florida. When they came into the studio that had a thumbnail sketch of one of their walls that had a design element that needed to be worked with.

He also shared that we have a couple other places/galleries we want to visit too, but stopped here first. Sharing enough to share their sincerity of looking, and with that comes an investment.  Personally before I choose to invest in something, think its good to learn as much about it as possible. This couple was not your spontaneous, 'oh i like that' customer.  They sought out, and researched what they thought would be best in their new Florida home. With that said,  I shared with them a little more of what Plein Air Painting was. Along with that,  naturally came the story of how the painting that they just pointed to was created.  As they went down the wall pointing out favorites, new stories emerged.  You could see they were thoroughly enjoying learning what went into the paintings before them. Telling them about the painting they were looking at came naturally.  Its not shared with everyone. Because some truly are just 'looking'. When asked, Sharing your story builds purpose to their wanting to be a part of it. Also when your painting has a story to tell.  I don't think they walked into the studio with the idea they were going to be collecting paintings. Frankly neither did I. 
Caspersens In Wind And Surf -K Hitt painted with VPA
Knew simply they liked at least one. 'this can be very addicting can't it?' speaking as to selecting the paintings for their new home.  Replying to her, 'just as it is for us Artist, very addicting, in a wonderfully good way.' History is in the make up of what we Artist do en Plein Air, then bringing it back into the studio with our Plein Air as references to continue the inspirations. "Its like a museum in here, and your passion for your work is what draws us ..." Sharing your passion, and the story... the processes too in the studio, turns into a natural process plus it is bringing them into the scene.  She was so sincere and sweet when she replied to viewing all the different scenes, and a pile of ones admired were piling up on the sofa in the studio

The beauty of what we are blessed to do, holds literally a 'story' with every painting. Personally for me adding to that noting, not stated in words, simply naturally here in how subjects are viewed, along with the utter passion is the desire to  reflect the gift of the beauty of Gods creation as it is experienced  'At That Moment..'  in each painting. The collector loves getting to be a part of the story.  It is their opportunity to be there too.  I was so honored when she told me that reading my Artist statement also compelled her decisions.  They truly were a couple though in all their choices.  A treat to experience.  Quite a collection was building on the studio sofa, and even I was editing.   Ironically the piece they saw at the local 'Melange' co-op gallery that referred them to my studio, is not one in  their new collection.

Melange gallery was just as much a part of this new collection though, for their referral is why they were here. That referral remains a commission sale for the co-op too, and ended up being much more than that one painting. 

The Artist community is team work.  Another great side note to this blessing of an experience; one of the paintings added to their Florida Plein Air collection came from my "Fellowship Wall" in the studio.  It is one wall dedicated to an artist who's work inspires.  Jane Chapin the first artist there, she believed in my new space and wanted to support my efforts.  I had four of her paintings for sale, and recently brought in one that is not (the portrait sketch painted when we were Plein Air painting together and given to me is a cherished painting, so NOT for sale)
Karen Ann Hitt by Jane Chapin
The fellowship wall is an educational wall for me too, with admired edge work etc. while they are displayed. 
Coincidentally in April, Gary and Suzanne had just heard Jane speak in Tampa for the Tampa Bay Women Artist, and she (Jane) was the featured Artist for 2014.  A wonderful honor.  Jane's talk shared the story of her book "Land of the Free"

and plein air travels to all of the 50 states to complete it.  All proceeds of Jane's book go to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, and she has one representative for each state in her book.  Yes, Gary and Suzanne loved her story, and had inspirations to get one of her pieces of Art. They were sorry they hadn't picked something up at the time of Jane's. And here they were a few of her pieces before them.  Only wish had had a signed copy of Jane's book for them too. (Starting Aug 18th will have a few signed copies at the studio)

This couple has been looking at artwork for awhile, while their new home was being built.  Waiting for that to be completed before purchasing. They came in because of one painting.
They didn't know they were about to enter the world of plein air when walking into the studio.  Yes, your story, whatever it is, is your world becoming a part of your collectors world.  Share it and your heart.  For it is that sincere passion that sincerely compelled them to want to be a part.  Leaving me quite humbled and honored that the inspiration inspire them to collect An Original Hitt's and a Jane Chapin too, plus earlier, from Melange a couple of Gail Dempsey paintings.

The beauty of Venice is our local art scene includes many nationally recognized artist as a part of it. Right here in Venice, Artist Bill Farnsworth invited me to his 'Backyard Workshop', Painted this there, and can not recommend attending one of his workshops enough.This little painting not for sale, because from the workshop. His the last workshop attended as headed out on GLF tour. Have also studied with another local artist
Oil By K Hitt painted at Bill Farnsworth Backyard Retreat
  Hodges Soileau, he offers wonderful workshops too. These two,  are also a part of the little Melange Co-op Gallery. A small co-op that area artist love supporting to keep original art available to this ever growing community of Florida Plein Air Painting Collectors.  Though not just Plein air.  Originally Venice Plein Air which I founded under the introduction to plein air by local artist Mary Erickson under the umbrella of Plein Air Florida includes all of these artist. Along with PASC founded by Val Sandell Plein Air with a focus for Plein Air in this area began many years ago.  Boundaries were lifted by Plein Air Florida so members of one area became a part of larger groups too.  PASC is now wonderfully led by Terry Mason who has kept the weekly Thursday morning meeting times.  If you just email her you are a part of PASC plein air community which she has added many activities too.  VPA continues to meet, with Light Chasers also now in the area, not as formerly and as often as before. No need to double do, and remain thankful to Terry having the time for carrying on the weekly Plein Air meetings in this area during season.  She has added lots more opportunities for you, just email her to get on the list and find out more.  VPA unofficially keeps Caspersens Beach a signature favorite spot, along with The local Venice Farmers Market (more officially)  inviting us to be a part, and keeps their open door for us and ANY PLEIN AIR GROUP to come paint. There is not room here to list ALL the outstanding and National Artist in this area, and a part of this community of Florida Plein Air Painters.  Other Plein Air Groups close by are with Sharon just south Visual Art Center Plein Air Artist in Punta Gorda. I hear there is another in Englewood too. There is a huge opportunity in this area to paint en Plein Air.  This community has grown my enthusiasm to grow personally as an artist. Two Ten year anniversary Florida events blessed to be a part of, are happening this year too: Paint The Town (Prospectus at link. Deadline beginning of September, still time to register on line to be a part of this landmark) founded by Jane Chapin- head up by Susie Covert.

quick phone photo on location
Another Premier Plein Air Event The Forgotten Coast enPlein Air with a great line up of artist too, and volunteers like none other, and a merging of communities to create one event.  A model for all the small communities and how to work together. I was invited last year to attend their Plein Air Academy Pilot and be mentored by Don Demers. Stay tuned at the linked

website for this year with Don. A huge opportunity to learn as a professional Plein Air painter, looking to step up their processes overall. Painted this there:

Plein Air Magazine community of events, grew my desire to grow as an artist, on a national level  literally led me to  HITTing the road across this country to attend them in person.  Save the date, 27 February 2015, that will be the opening 5-7pm of an exhibit in the Main Pat Buster Gallery/Museum of the Venice Art Center.
In addition a separate exhibit for any that took a course with me from 1998 to February 2015 (students only by name, are actually instructors and professional artist themselves) in the solo gallery with the same theme "At That Moment..." So you may create yours to be a part. Prospectus for that coming in September with a page/pdf here at blog. Classes at VAC and An Original Hitt Fine Art & Atelier filling now

So what NEW Florida Plein Air collectors look like, just may be you, as you develop your own style as a plein air artist in one of the many opportunities in the area, or as a new home owner that seeks to have local artist adorn their new walls or simply one that loves the historical side of Plein Air with an heirloom quality added to preserving a time and place in a painting..

 Sharing also the upcoming exhibit that covers the nation en plein air, as am always reflective of my  plein air roots, right here in Venice, home sweet home.  Venice, Nicknamed Paradise, the Venice Art Center hosted for many years POP Paint Out in Paradise, out of the communities love of the Venice area itself. Seeing it recorded en Plein Air expresses that opportunity to be a part reaching far and wide... it finds itself rising up in many forms in this Plein Air rich area that am honored to be a part of, and a part of a NEW FL Plein Air Collection at Gary and Suzanne's new home.  Thank YOU for refreshing this artists memories of just what the passion is too, and having the opportunity to share that.

Additional NOTE: of course many of the tools utilized are learned, in both simply the practice of Plein Air Painting, taking workshop and classes... in addition many lessons  learned on how important it was to share and how to do that as a professional artist came from Eric Rhoads 'Boot Camp...' for Artist is at Stream Line Publication .  If you would like to start being a apart of new collections, this series gives you the tools to make that dream come true, along with the Plein Air Magazine community. Another great place to learn is with Lori McNee. I love her latest titled: Scientifically Proven Tips For Managing Procrastination.  I have a LOT to learn in ALL areas ! simply pressing ON and feel blessed to get to paint, and be a part of a cherished new in homes like Gary and Suzannes.  Thank you!

*correction to Living... article April 5 to September 5, not July 5. Plus location 230 Ponce de Leon Ave.

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