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May it be an UP day! k

Thursday, March 28, 2013

At That Moment.... the WINNERS are

This first picture... I think says it all, and illustrates just what this entire work journey is all about for the 
The Grace Love Fellowship tour that begins April 5th 2013. 
Marty "At That Moment..." she heard she won!
Culminating  Exhibit "At That Moment..." back at where it all began, Venice, FL.  The FIRST Big Red dot on the Road Map journey is the Plein Air Convention in Monterey CA put on by Streamline Publishing and Eric Rhodes the chairman and CEO and publisher of Plein Air Magazine ...More to come about the Exhibit titled: "At That Moment..." and all its inspiration.  First things first... March 25th was a RAFFLE to sponsor gas for the PLUS 10,000 miles/689 gallons of gas, on this Grace Love Fellowship tour. The pictures below from it, hope give to you as much joy as seeing the expressions from the winners faces.  What is really fun about the winners, is that every means of picking up a ticket for the raffle had a winner in it.  Painting # 1 went to a couple that bought their tickets via PayPal.  Painting #2 went to the gal who bought the very first three tickets (of the 250+ ) with ticket #2 and Painting # 3 went to the daughter of a student, whose granddaughter pulled her moms names out of all those tickets out of the basket.  And that ticket was sold by the gracious staff of the Venice Wine & Coffee Co. who hosted the event  THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU that showed your support in attendence, prayer and oh so much more.  

Here are some pictures from the night that gave fuel ... literally for the journey:
Marty At That Moment... Given Her Painting...


Liz At That Moment Receiving Her Win

click on any image to enlarge it
Paintings: raffled off on March 25th...
10x8"plein air oil "Hidden Hut..."
14x11" Oil "The Lesson" multiple lessons going on here

24x18" oil inspired from plein air study "Forget The Clouds- Seize The Day"

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