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May it be an UP day! k

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


for what is but a few days before Christmas... This Christmas image annual share...
may JOY abound for you and yours this CHRISTmas...
and may all have a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!

click to enlarge, see link to purchase a gift certificate below
Deadlines... Painting ...JOY JOY JOY  We all are working to get the 'to do' list done...  just thought would share, that just in case you are still hoping to give the gift of FINE ART for Christmas, its STILL POSSIBLE via the web.  I will be happy to send an Original Hitt Gift Certificate digitally to you, with any amount that you request, and you can easily print it out, and give it this year.  The An Original Hitt Gift Certificate can be applied to any original, giclee, private or semi private art lesson.

An Original Hitt Gift Certificate

while you are out and about downtown Venice... Three of my critters are now on display there
1. BB Paradise

2. Venice Just Heaven

Fins & Fur
1. Artistree Landscaping: NE corner of Venice Ave and Nokomis
2. Hyman's: Front of the Venice Library in the heart of the culture campus on the island of Venice
3. Rita & Vic's: SW corner of Venice Ave and Nokomis 

1 comment:

An Original Hitt said...

The button for the gift certificate adds 3 for shipping and handling ...hmmm, didn't mean to add a tip for digital express. Sorry for that. To make up for it, all orders before December 23rd will add 7% to... and one random gift certificate order will receive an additional 25% bonus to its total. Will post on Christmas Eve who the winner is. Putting all the Gift Certificate name orders in a hat, and drawing then. May it be a MERRY CHRISTMAS.