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May it be an UP day! k

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Venice 85th Birthday honored with VAC SUMERFEST

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I'm BACK!  Have been away from my actual home for over two months... and have been back now for just about a week.  Returned to keep two commitments here in Venice... though home repairs CONTINUE to need addressed.  Its good to be back home. LOVE VENICE.  

click to enlarge

How Begin... click to enlarge. Will discuss the use of the computer as studio painting on 7/18

Just so happens this to honor a BIRTHDAY too
Returned to Venice in time to deliver a commission Birthday Present to a great gal that was a surprise gift from her daughter.  Here are a few pictures of the painting along the way...
finished Oil on Linen - 12x16 New owners and I working on the title...

NEXT on my To do list, is being BACK at the VENICE ART CENTER TOO.
First with an exhibit that opens on Friday: SUMMERFEST celebrating Venice's 85th Birthday Exhibit opening reception Friday 7/13 starts at 5pm... AND
I am the GUEST SPEAKER -Wednesday July 18th at 11am.  
I will be doing a combo demo and lecture on Plein Air.  Hope you can come to see me there.  I will share some of the basic how to's and what makes for a good plein air subject, and why this form of painting is so important to training an Artist' eye.  Along with that, how Plein Air over American History has been a main source of seeing our landscapes.  One of my mentoring influences to my paintings... 'The Hudson River School' had a lot to do with why I founded a little plein air group named Venice Plein Air.  We have such a unique and wonderful little town... and none can capture it quite the same as a plein air artist.  If you have ever had a desire to plein air paint, and wondering what that is all about and how... come on down Wednesday at 11 am to the Venice Art Center Main Gallery.  Hope to see you there!

Speaking of being back at the VENICE ART CENTER... after taking a year off from my standard teaching schedule there to illustrate children's books... I AM BACK TO MY STANDARD TEACHING SCHEDULE THERE THAT HAVE HAD SINCE 1998.  Tried to make sure that there was something for each of my students to choose from.  Weekly and Workshops have been line-up.  I should have my schedule to review... in time for the lecture on the 18th.

So that's the summer so far here in Venice... did I mention my middle son also was married here on the 2nd of JUNE?!!!???!!!  It has been a grand busy time... filled with more pleasant surprises than not.   

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