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Many of your edges are actually defined by a value. Within the shapes that you have already defined , the relationships that you have already established, now your next step is to focus on is hard edges vs soft edges with your values. Your eye will be led to where the dark and light meet, in other words the highest contrast. Four simple values are; Dark, Next to Dark, Next to Light and Light. Light often is the value of your paper in graphite drawing. In Conte, its your white chalk. Note, Dark is as close to black as you can make it. This is what your soft "B" lead pencils are for. The higher the number, the softer the lead, and the darker its effect. This just touches on all that is is available to learn about drawing, (tools, technique... foundation). This foundation is what actually enables you to paint. Even abstract artists need to learn these techniques and what makes for a strong composition.
One of the hardest lessons to learn when drawing is that the negative WILL make your positive. The way you draw the light... is by NOT drawing it... but planning for it. Notice here how the original basic shapes of the flowers are now broken down and further defined. I intentionally did not use the word 'detail'. Its still about finding the good relationships, shapes and values.
This, of course, is just the basics in approaching a still life and learning to draw. With a few basic foundational tools, we all have the ability to draw. We may not all be Leonardo Da Vinci. There is a reason Da Vinci is titled a "Master" not to mention a genius. You will find the most important way to learn is practice practice practice. Leonardo spent countless hours applying this foundational tool to every piece of art he created. Good draftsmanship is key. As in life as in art... finding good relationships is key. Its not about the details, its about the relationship.
To summarize : When you start your still life.
- Remember it begins by finding the overall relationship of your objects.
- Break down the shapes.
- Define your values, and your edges with values.
- The negative will make your positives. You need DARK to make the LIGHT. Dark is how you draw the light.... by NOT drawing it, but planning for it and drawing the dark around it.