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May it be an UP day! k

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Reflections At Fort De Sota" Plein Air Oil just won an merit award at the Venice Art Centers current exhibits. See it on display now at the Venice Art Center. This a scene just before the sun set at Fort Desota Park, that lit up the palms across the distant shoreline... with the birds resembling little lightbulbs on the sandbar.
Fort De Sota is one of the most amazing state parks available. Hope you enjoy the view too.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finally back to Home Sweet Home... just in time for B-day! Yeah. Cold front in May? Wow, that is a twist. Here is a recent Plein Air Painting that just sold before heading out. "North Jettie After The Cold Front" This painting is from one of our groups favorite picnic spots. Hope to post a new for me soon... a fishing boat! A new challenge from the week.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Its the first rainy day of the trip... a rainy day in Texas. This is a painting from a bit north west of here in Texas Twin Dykes area: "Forget The Clouds... Seize The Day" 18x24 Oil.

Just as in this painting... is this day, lots to do dispite the weather.

May it be an UP day k

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Trip out for the Workshop on the "Forgotten Coast" was a moms day gift and b-day too. We will not mention which one. The joy in this Mothers Day felt like a 1st grader again. The 1st day of a workshop refreshed, encouraged, discouraged, humbling while enabling... In the aspect of 1st grade where all the fundamentals to learn open up a whole new world. Good news in the humbling side of "wow, so much to learn" is just that... There is ALWAYS more to learn... And that I am not done yet! When you stop learning... You stop growing. So much to see... So much more to know. So thankful that on Moms Day got to be the kid.. And that this instructor got to go back to the 1st grade.

The images shared here are from the last time visited this coast. It was shortly after the hurricane had gone through. This is a pastel from what was witnessed then... "Sapped In A Snap". The pastel is on display in downtown Venice at the Back Eddie Bistro, on Miami Ave as part of the Venice Art Center Sattelite Exhibits. There are also 5 other large scale landscapes on display there too...

Once back in Venice hope to get a new image on display from the Forgotten Coast. It is beautiful up here. Simply beautiful with something amazing visually to paint in every direction.

Extended my trip and distance by almost 1000 miles... continuing the travels and moms day experiences. Hope to pass back through the Coast upon my return too. Hope you are enjoy your views too...

AND May it be an UP day- K

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Getting ready to head up to "The Forgotten Coast" in the panhandle. This my Mother's day and Birthday gift, to venture out of the neighborhood, en plein air and paint in a workshop too. Look forward to the trip. Not sure about wireless connections... so may be away for a few days

This is "Florida Turquoise" a view from my girlfriends driveway... where we just celebrated her NIFTY FIFTY Birthday! The water was an amazing shade of turquoise...
Hope its an UP day -K

Monday, May 4, 2009

Above Approach

12x16 Plein Air Oil -"Above Approach"
The Original JUST SOLD TOO
This view is one of Venice's classic downtown views of one of its favorite landmark buildings. Off in the distance you can see The Venice Theater too. Watch for this image coming available in a mini poster sieries titled "The Heart Of Venice" By Karen Hitt

Floral Invitation

This Plein Air Oil "Floral Invitation" just sold at auction in the Boca Grande Garden Club Annual Plein Air Event. The event was a fundraiser for the Boca Grande Art Alliance... and was a success once again this year!

This view was exactly as it's title, The Flower baskets literally just drew you to the shop right in down town Boca Grande. Let me know if you know the spot.