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May it be an UP day! k

Friday, March 15, 2019

Aren't we all a WIP? Seasons: New Exhibit Opening, New Works, New Studio, New Website, etc etc etc.

Its Personal-featured April Fine Art Connoisseur
Been through, and done just about it all in the past several months.  It has been a whirlwind.
Grandma Jean At Seventeen A Work In Progress

 The last thing that there has been time for is updating this blog.  The last several months have been filled with the exciting part of new Seasons, and also the heartache of new Seasons too.  Lost my mom on February 6th. She and my sister of course my biggest fans. Lost my sister November of 2015.  Still getting use to that too.  Frankly it has been a very hard last 6 months.  Mom lived her dash well and will be sorely missed; mother of five, grandma Jean of 14 and great grandma Jean to 6. She rode her bike to the grocery store up until she was 85.
Grandma Jean at 83 attending my solo opening Feb. 2015 and me

 She loved her independence.  It was very hard days moving her in and out of assisted living to nursing care to hospitals and that horrible circle. She celebrated her 87th Birthday in an Assisted Living Facility. We were not able to keep her home, or I can assure you we would have.  We remained blessed in that she did receive the best of care at all the facilities she was with.  They were just nowhere she truly wanted to be.  She kept her since of humor through the end though, and that glorious twinkle in her beautiful blue eyes.
 Her portraits remain a WIP, as I have to stick to (or better said get back to) preparing for the exhibit that opens on the 22nd of March at the Hughes Gallery in Boca Grande FL.  Visions of Three Artist, Diane Mannion, Ed Hatch and myself, Karen Ann Hitt. This new season of being the only female with my three brothers and 87 year old pop, remains a challenge to get my voice heard.  But what else is new.  I have often jested that I am the petite one in my family, and I still am.  That surprises a lot of people, when they meet me and hear that, for I stand just shy of six feet tall.  The other jest,  I am going to be petite when I grow up! 
Click on image to view it larger
Alas, to go along with my new Website, last website was begun way back in 1995.  A LOT has changed in cyber land since then, as has it with myself.  I will get into that more after my exhibit opens!  BUT if you want a chance to win a 200 Gift Certificate toward your very own An Original Hitt, go check out my new website and sign up to join my email list or new updates.... I am putting all the names in a hat, and drawing one name out to win.  Now if you don't 'want' An Original Hitt and just hope to follow the new, please join my list too.  We will work out something to your favor too if I draw your name.  I'm no marketer, and if it wasn't for Turner Vinson doing MOST of the New Websites Work, wouldn't have made it this far.  If you sign up, I will send you a sneak peak of the exhibit on an e-post card too.  Save the date:
22 March 2019 from 6-8 PM for the opening!  So honored to be represented by the Hughes Gallery in Boca Grande, they truly are a premiere gallery in this region.  Hope you will come have a toast with me at the gallery ( go to website events for more details ) hint hint ...
You will also see all the new publications that I have been blessed to be a part of in the last few months, The events That I have been a part and the ones coming up.  LOTS of NEW....
at ANORIGINALHITT.com website of Karen Ann Hitt - An Original Hitt