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May it be an UP day! k

Saturday, July 11, 2015

You be the Judge... who knew how much life would change...

Part I: Update and a sharing of the tools behind a "Painters Paradise" and a NEW Season in Life...
The Flume "Painters Paradise" by Karen Ann Hitt

Karen Ann Hitt Painting The Flume
 Photograph by Turner Vision for Plein Air Magazine

Eric Rhoads, Publisher of Plein Air Magazine and Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine, hosts  #PaintCamp once a year in upstate NY Adirondack region each June.  This year we were even there right when the escape convicts were on the loose!  Nothing could steal the JOY of 100-ish artist gathering to PAINT en Plein Air where the number one rule is "NO DRAMA" We managed to stick to that rule, accept when it exploded into the sky! 
Adirondacks Drama II by Karen Ann Hitt, Plein Air Oil

Third Year has begun on my committed plan to grow as an artist to meet the next season in life,  as of April 2015.  Right after my One Women exhibit "At That Moment..." (two years and 21,000+ solo miles cris-crossing the USA in its making) wrapped up, that third year began.

Its been quite the journey!  And who knew it would be a new beginning instead of a wrap up! The jest in April 2013 "Youngest turned 22 and momma took a road trip, a really big one!" 21,000+ solo miles, 70+ Paintings for a One Women Exhibit later...

A desire to paint "Boundless" that inspired a gift that has just kept on giving...
"Exceedingly more than I could hope for or imagine" while seeking to "Put this (gift)... to work" as the Red letter counsel inspired me to do.  
Boundless, 48x60" oil, at a new roost, testing its fit
Karen Ann with her 83year old mom, solo exhibit opening

 Ponce de Leon- Miracle Studio
Grace Love Fellowship Tour - Miracle Trip
When I returned to my home in Sept of 2013, from my 21,000 plus mile journey that felt like a miracle gift in itself,  another dear friend and her husband had me in mind for another miracle blessing to bestow upon me; a working Art studio that they originally had for a family member. They decided it would be well served with me inhabiting it.  When I shared that I loved the space, but that there was no way that I could take on anymore debt, they shared--- don't worry about it, we already paid for EVERYTHING!  Who, i ask who does that happen for?  Perhaps this is all too much information, but I think its important to share that by gifts, well beyond what ever deserved, it has given me a second and third chance at my art career beyond 17 hard years of single parenthood.

This third year the year to put into practice every professional avenue made available to me, by working hard, continuing learning processes, and continuing leaps of faith. 

Who knew what would come from simply leaping out, working hard with the means supplied, and keeping the faith. Much HARD WORK remains ahead on this three year plot, that in reality is a journey for life.  Growing, is a key indeed, to well, just that-- growing.
This year in my original plan, was to be the year that I paint the many people that to this artist were indeed Angels here on earth; and to also paint studio paintings with the focus on applying all learned across the miles into paintings to use as entries for competitions, and gallery inquiry.   Two professional application of my painting career, that I have been waiting until it was felt the quality could at least measure up to the hopes. Continually challenging myself with new subjects while applying learned techniques from workshops and demos of peers and muses. Growing, underlines still and HUMBLING defines any artist's pursuits.  So with that in mind, I am right in line.

A professional nationally exhibiting artist and fine art instructor, yet also a growing artist, building an inventory.  Its amazing what all has changed in this past 3 years and especially this past year. 

I went from touring the country for over 5 months camping out of my Trusty Steed of a Tahoe... yes, for the most part living out of it.  When I really needed to soak my toes in a nice hot tub, a beautiful B&B along the way, was where I would stay. Often I found myself blessed with them wanting me to stay on longer- so my budget of only a day or two, turned into a painting barter for a week or so stay. Some places I still have a balance even.  So, i went from camping IN my Trusty Steed of a Tahoe to....

You can see my Tahoe here at Zion, with my tent gazebo... this pretty much how I traveled the country solo, en plein air, my comfy bed in the Tahoe.  I actually felt safer that way, with my feather blanket, and feather pillow for my head...

...well, not!

my trusty steed learned to trust,
and it got hitched! Um, me TOO and WE are now on our #USAHoneymoon making our new road map!

I've HITT the road again.  This time I am on a #USAHoneymoon with my love and yes, my new husband.  Funny, we both had prayed a prayer accepting God's obvious plan of being alone in life.  Then bamn --we met.  We kept our relationship dedicated to God's call on our hearts and honoring of His ways.  Something foreign to most at our stages in life; 7 months later God turned our 7 into a first for both of us, as we married with just our immediate family around. 
Some of his attractions to me is my faith, aesthetic passions and my passion for traveling.  He admired my road map :0) that little jaunt that i took.  Well NOW we are on one of our own.  Married in May.  The first painting i painted as "Mrs." Just so happens was done for my church, The Bridge Church in Venice Florida.  Here is a link to that; P23 I delivered it, on a wednesday, and we were off on our #USAHoneymoon tour right after church on that Sunday in May 2015, and we are there still today.

Finding a wifi to update my blog and websites the challenge for the day.  This my last painting painted, "Superior's Towers" my first midwest grain elevators.

Along with this is a link to my updated Workshop/Classes page, and also a sharing of some of my favorite tools too...
stay tuned for my Rosemary Brushes supply list, STRADA mini, tripod, and other tricks of the plein air trade that i have learned along the way; along with how to set up a outdoor art studio too.  This truly is a working #USAHoneymoon, but we didn't forget to live outloud also that "The Journey IS our destination"

That remains where I began, and also where I have landed.  I feel all has grown my painting ability as hoped, and awakened me also to how much more there is to do.
If you would like to follow along on the journey, request to be my facebook friend, and also check back here or join here too.  I am excited to share my class offerings, adding some NEW WORKSHOPS this year, and soon a kit of supplies too.... stay tuned.  I remain humbled and honored to be a part... Part II: The tools used and how to apply posting next week.