Writing you this from a quaint little town in Oregon, at The Beanery
2nd day of the 2nd leg of this Grace Love Fellowship Tour. Taking advantage of a little quiet on this break, and free wifi to catch up on sharing here some of the journey so far. Most of you know that all this is to culminate to an exhibit titled "At That Moment...". There are going to be some awesome moments to share.
The exhibit will consist of plein air field sketches, and paintings done along the way, along with studio pieces completed upon return. Both the Landscapes on the journey, and the faces and figures of fellowship will be a part of the "At That Moment..." Exhibit.More on the Exhibit to come. First, the GLF tour...
Shrimped - Plein Air Oil on Linen on display now at Mantatee Art Center as a part of the Paint The Town Exhibit |
Seems appropriate that the LAST painting that I painted before heading out on the this journey, was painted standing on a Coast Guard Base. It is the Coast Guard that moved my family cross country from Mukilteo Washington, to Venice Florida. USCG Cortez base granted me permission to paint this great Florida working fishermen dock and boat scene during the
Paint The Town Paint Out in Bradenton Named it 'Shrimped' This, first Shrimp boats. Must say, could really feel the guidance coming through from the last two workshops attended just before this event: Bill Farnsworth, and Kim English workshops. Both excellent instructors and ridiculously talented Painters. The emphasis simplifying the shapes, clarifying the values to capture the effects of light. Tried to carry their instruction through, by capturing the gesture of the scene. Literally right after turning this painting in for the exhibit, finished packing my Tahoe and was on my way to begin my 10K + jaunt... around this great land of the free. Jested with Eric Rhoads when saw him this past week that he played a significant role in this little jaunt of Venice to Upstate NY via North of Seattle WA, first big red dot,
Plein Air Convention 13 More on that AWESOME AMAZING FANTASTIC FANTABULOUS EXPERIENCE to follow.... for the sake of the drive of the next leg, and to get past this here snow... let me begin first with a few details from leg one.
Well must say, the first leg of the drive, Venice Florida, to Monterrey via Big Bear Lake CA... experienced EVERY TYPE OF WEATHER known to exist!
wind and snow and rain... |
The craziest part of the drive was when crossing NM & AZ I passed through my FIRST Dust storm. Think what I experienced is the deserts version of either a North Easter, or Hurricane... Jiminy To give an idea of how intense the winds were, came to find out that they shut down I40 in both directions about a half hour after I passed through. Drove through a sky of RED, NOT from the sunset, from the DUST, about zero visibility, lights on... think could call it Biblical in proportion. I am looking at this wall of red, and asked myself do I drive through this? Can't stay here, have to keep driving, so through it I went. Saw a semi in front of me, literally tip in a wind gust. Thank God not completely over, but, lets just say I drove through white knuckled, gripping steering wheel so tight. Positive effect? I was DEFINITELY wide awake now :0) Well then when I get to the other side of the dust, rain AND dust begin to blow. When I say blow, sustained 40mph, who knows the gust. By the time I get to the next exit, where decide its time to take a break and get gas whether needing it or not...
well there I am at the pump... and get whacked in the leg by a tumbleweed, THEN... at 35 miles an hour, SNOW starts to fall HARD horizontally! I am just there trying to pump my gas, and said "Are you kidding me?" Sheesh. This in the desert!
Here just a shot from that area... didn't get pictures of the dust...
getting cooler... |
ok, and for now pictures, will update more with words, but have to start driving for destination number two... until we meet again, here are some of the views up until today...
SPRING to this FL gal... BEAUTIFUL |
TENNESSEE(out of order...) |

Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California... click on any image to enlarge it

OK Buffalo of Course breakfast company |
walk your horse of course at the pet walk in Texas... |
lunch room in Texas.... |
Route 66 in Texas...

1st tank of gas in CA, OUCH! |
Hug Detour in Big Bear CA for AJ& Julie  |
One of the evenings movies....
spring |
before and after of the storm....
MONTERREY..... and the convention.... next entry... as trek now to TULIP FIELDS>>>...
more to come.....