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May it be an UP day! k

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

START...To Finish...

Thumbnail Cover Design

To Scale Layout Sketch
Start to Finish?  "Where do I begin, start?" Is often a question heard from students.  Or...... as we really WORK IT the details and composition.... sometimes the why we 'started' the painting gets blanketed over with overworking.

Start   To   Finish.  Easier said than done.  That is why its a workshop have been teaching for years.  Most recently it has been formatted into a 3 day workshop, with the idea of truly taking inspiration from its start, to a finished work of art. Where do we Start.... a scene, a theme, a child's precious smile... a heirloom keepsake, a illustration... WHAT are you hoping to 'say'.

This an example of an 'illustration' literally.  A Big Bad Rain Monster?  What does that look like.... for a children's picture book.  I remember being told when illustrating... the words should connect a word picture in 5 seconds.

Add caption
Do you need that same impact with your drawing or painting?
What inspired you to make that sketch?  What inspired that sketch into a painting? Sometimes it truly is just the desire to 'render'... to perfect a fabrics drape, a hips angle, a eyes twinkle, a hands embrace....

Sometimes the start is simply a color theory exercise, or the particular hours effects of light on a beloved subject.  Even a sketch in your sketch book, will reflect 'good draftsmanship'

Confess, this week, after being sicker than have been in years for the last two plus weeks, have not picked up a brush in over two weeks.... 'Where to start?' overwhelms in an explosion of ideas and WANT TO DO'S that haven't had the chance to do.  Deadlines, inspirations, entries.... etc. etc.  There is SO MUCH that I long to do!  To just do anything, will be a fabulous start!  A doodle, a sketch, a painting?

You may enjoy seeing what the first thumbnail here turned into...
Just received the proof today in the mail.  The author should be receiving hers any day now too, and then, It will be ready for purchase.  Will keep you posted on that.  SHOULD have copies with me at the Venice Art Center Fine Art Show and Sale the weekend of Feb. 25-26. 2012 booth number 7.  THIS is the one and only show of this type that I do each year.  Special prices for that weekend only. Signed copies of latest children's book too.  Hope to see you there.
THIS MONDAY a 3 day START TO FINISH workshop begins at the Venice Art Center too!

Few in Group Start To Finish
Start To Finish 3 day workshops:
  Start To Finish (All Medium) at the Venice Art Center
 #614B 1/30, 31 & 2/2/2012
#614C 3/26, 27, 28/2012 - 
10am-4pm –  Designed to take the essential foundation of strong drawing skills, composition, value, capturing light, color theory and expression to a finished work of art. ALL of these will be explored in depth, to take your creative ideas from start to finish. …ALL mediums are welcomed… 
 Start To Finish
ALL mediums welcomed (3 Day workshop)
March 19,20,21, 2012 - 10am - 3:30pm Mon, Tu, Weds.
plus a 
Feb.15,16,17, 2012  -10am-3:30pm thurs, break at 1:30 for meeting at the Alliance
 Please note that ALL mediums equals, Oil, Acrylics, Pastels, Pencil... your medium of choice, NOT meant as a multi-medium class.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Waiting for the Sky...

waiting for the sky...

mid/late afternoon setting up...
Am getting ready for the Jan. 17th Opening of Venice Plein Air opening.  For more info on that visit VPA blog.  Ever since New Years Eve beautiful sunset, have been wanting to get back to PAINT en Plein Air the view.  Sometimes photographs just can NOT capture the true colors in the scene.  The sky in this view... was just one of those.  Needed to revisit the site to capture the dunes and trees too.  Many details end up just in a silhouette when photographed with most cameras, especially a camera phone. Only sharing a few of the photos from the sunrise to sunset work day here... A day that doesn not get any better than this though.  BEAUTIFUL.  The PAINTING will be shared (I hope) at the opening!  Going to use the field study to make a larger studio piece from... until then... here are a few photos from the middle of the day on...  A COLD is kick'in my butt today. Still plan to plein air with VPA monday though, at least say 'hi' to any and all there(Update
-Cold kicked my butt, checked-in, then home back to bed)

couple of composition ideas before final thumbnail

 CAN'T Wait to share the finish PAINTINGS with you.... again see links here to VPA Exhibit, Local and Nationally Acclaimed Artist are ALL taking  a part of the exhibit. Many names you will recognize and many you will be glad that you met.  We are graciously be sponsored by the Venice Art Center, hosted At The Art Gallery of Jacaranda Trace In the Cadbury Commons Club 3600 William Penn Way, Venice, FL 34293
last picture sharing from the day, a very exciting close with 'left overs' and nice hot TEA... trying to keep this cold at bay.  May it be an UP DAY!  K