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May it be an UP day! k

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


NEW Co-op Gallery "Melange Fine Art"  ...is also a new local place to view my originals.  ALL Original Gallery... an artisians gallery filled with wonderful one of kind, little bit of everything. 
Melange Fine Art  252 W. Tampa  Venice FL 34285   This original just sold there : "Higel Park Revisited" 24x36  Also just returned from Painting the Region II in Jacksonville.  Great weather all week for the plein air event.  Over 30 paintings sold at the show.

This Painting was picked as one of the most popular at the event "Sunrise On The Saint John's" 12x16 Plein Air Oil...photos show it in the works... and as finished.  This little painting "Oldest On The River" was one of the paintings that sold at the event 
Not the best photo... fresh of the easel version, but can give you an idea.
Had a wonderful week at the paint out.  First half of the week got to partner up with Jane Chapin, a real treat!  Enjoyed having a painting partner, we were given a tour of one of the beautiful historic homes on the river.  Think the best painting day, was the day painted the sunrise, we rose early to set up and prepare for the light.  We witnessed it the day before as it blanketed a glow across the scene as it rose.  We went to sleep that night, planning to be ready to capture that glow with our paintings come morn.  Jane did a beautiful painting of the view too. 
Well, CLASSES begin THURS at VAC...  if you haven't signed up yet its not to late.  Right now have just enough for a class, there is room for a few more.  See the Link to the left for more info, or just drop me a line.
Will also be scheduling private lessons at the the new Melange Gallery on Weds... on a first come first serve basis.  The window has GREAT light...  should be a nice painting atmosphere.  Hope to see you soon...
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May it be an UP day!!!