Ron's Find- Oil on Linen, was accepted into the National Art Encounter 2010 Exhibit... in Naples.
Venice Art Center New Course Catalog is out too, and POSTED on-line. Check out my NEW class schedule there.... will be updating to the right on blog too....
Also, have new workshops scheduled at the Boca Grande Art Alliance too.
Both links are to the right....
PLUS please consider visiting the BOLD BRUSH Fine Art competition and sharing a vote for my latest entry "A True Story" if you 'like' it. Hope the summer has been treating all of you WELL.
Watch for my HUGE pre-season, end of summer RAISE A ROOF -Sale! Details to be announced soon. If you want to be contacted, let me know or choose to follow this blog, and the post announcing it will be sent to you. HUGE SALE... that only comes along as often as one need a new roof! Some of you may have heard that mine was hit by static lightening the end of LAST rainy season. Its not going to make it through another one.... so hence "RAISE A ROOF" sale... coming SOON!!!